climatE analysis
True North Weather Consulting specializes in researching and analyzing historic weather data. This includes summaries of average conditions, the determination of extremes, and estimates of the length of time between significant weather events of certain intensities (i.e. heavy rainfall, damaging winds etc.) The utilization of climatological data will assist your organization in preparing for a variety of operations and activities.
In the energy sector, climatological statistics are used to help forecast the demand for energy. Correlations of consumer energy consumption and various weather parameters are developed. Once these correlations are made, it is an easy matter for energy suppliers to forecast the demand for energy based on today, tomorrow, or next week’s weather forecast. Likewise, risk management professionals use climatological statistics to determine whether or not projects should be allowed to go forward in areas of certain weather hazards. Engineers use climatological data to develop structures with certain dimensions capable of withstanding weather events of certain intensities.
True North works with the energy sector and engineering consultants on a wide variety of other projects. One such liaison was in support of the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline Project. Working with a team of engineers, we detailed the climate along the proposed pipeline route. This involved the analysis of data over a very large area which included regions of interpolation and projection to develop a complete model.
Recently, True North completed a detailed climatology of lightning occurrence across the Northwest Territories. This project involved manipulating a 17 year old data set into usable statistics for the Government of the Northwest Territories. The complexity of this particular project was compounded by problems encountered with the original data set including discontinuities and ever changing formats. We worked closely with our client to resolve these issues and ultimately developed the first-ever comprehensive look into lightning patterns across the NWT.