Beverly Archibald (BSc; CMOS Accredited Consulting Meteorologist) has been involved with weather forecasting and meteorological services since 1986. Her career as a meteorologist began with Environment Canada where she worked as an operational forecaster and supervisor throughout Western Canada and the Arctic.
In 1998 she left the Public Service and subsequently founded True North Weather Consulting Inc. Through her career as a meteorologist and her extensive involvement in forest-fire meteorology and training across Canada, Ms. Archibald has become recognized as a leader in fire-weather services and is among a select group of national specialists in this area.
In addition, Ms. Archibald has become well known for her weather expertise over northern Canada, specifically, the Northwest Territories and Mackenzie Valley region. Ms. Archibald is one of only a handful of active private sector meteorologists who can boast of having over 20 years of forecast experience across this very diverse region of Canada.
In 2000 Ms. Archibald received accreditation as a Consulting Meteorologist from the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS). Beverly is one of only about 40 CMOS Accredited Consulting Meteorologists in Canada.
Ms. Archibald has been active in forging a path for the furtherance of private meteorology in Canada. Through CMOS she has been involved with the Private Sector Meteorology Group. The work of this group of individuals fostered a pioneering position paper entitled “A Meteorological Industry Strategy For Canada”. This paper has subsequently been used by the Government of Canada to help shape its current policy on Private Sector Meteorology.
About Us
True North Weather Consulting began its initial operation in the spring of 1999. With one client (the Government of the Northwest Territories), who sought out the expertise of our founder and president, Beverly Archibald, True North was born.
Since that time, and largely through "word of mouth", our client base and activities have greatly expanded. Despite this, one thing remains constant, - our commitment to being industry leaders in personalized and accurate weather and climate information.
True North is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in meteorology. All personnel working on forecast files have had 10+ years of related industry experience prior to working with True North. All meteorologists working for True North meet or exceed the World Meteorological Organization standards for Class 1 and 2 meteorologists, meaning they have obtained specific world-recognized university and post-university training in meteorology or the atmospheric sciences. Many of these individuals have had illustrious careers with Environment Canada as senior meteorologists/shift supervisors in various weather centers across Canada prior to working with True North.